Introducing MDSLIDE - Create Minimalistic Slide Presentations powered by Markdown. ๐Ÿš€

Auth0 Hackathon Submission


5 min read

Introducing MDSLIDE - Create Minimalistic Slide Presentations powered by Markdown. ๐Ÿš€

Hello there ๐Ÿ‘‹ I'm super excited to show you my side project that I've been working on for nearly a month now.


After blogging for some time at Hashnode, I started to appreciate the Simple yet Powerful Markdown format.

The other day I came across this site. I loved how simple and distraction free this site is. That's when the idea of building MDSLIDE struck my mind ๐Ÿ’ก.

Why use a lot, when a little would do.

Introducing MDSLIDE ๐ŸŽ‰

Create Minimalistic Slide Presentations powered by Markdown!

Note: Currently Not supported for Smaller device screens.


Try the app: MDSLIDE

โœจ Result


You can find the above presentation published here. You can find the option to enter presentation mode in the top right corner.

๐Ÿš€ Features

  • โšก Powered by Markdown.
  • ๐ŸŒ Publish your Slide Presentation.
  • ๐Ÿ’ป Present your/published Slide presentations in Fullscreen.
  • ๐ŸŽจ Custom background color, font color, and fonts.
  • ๐Ÿ˜Ž Synced to the Cloud automatically. No need to save manually!

๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป Built with

๐Ÿ“ฆ Planning and Building


I wanted to be as agile as possible. So, I used a pen and paper to scribble the overall initial workflow, logic, and UI. I worked on iterations to improve the app.

I chose Nextjs to build the frontend and backend (as it is better for SEO). This is my first experience with Nextjs and I absolutely loved it!

I chose to use MongoDB because of its flexible Schema. The final MongoDB schema now looks like the below. I didn't have to store the user details other than his/her email as those details are being managed by Auth0. Untitled Diagram(1).png

Keeping track

I used the GitHub project feature to keep track of future features and the current feature/bug being worked on.


Coding and The Problems Faced


I started with the authentication feature. I was mind blown by how little code I had to write to integrate a complete authentication into my application ๐Ÿคฏ

// [...auth0].ts
import { handleAuth } from "@auth0/nextjs-auth0";

export default handleAuth();

Adding just these two lines created backend APIs required to handle the authentication. Cool, isn't it?

Sync with the Cloud

Whenever some change has been made to the presentation, it has to be saved to the backend database. I created a REST API to update the presentation stored in the database. It worked! but with a gotcha. It started to overload the backend with a ton of requests.

The solution was to debounce the request. The idea is simple, if you are requesting to update the same resource and only the latest request made matters, then you try to make only the last request (in a given interval).

In Javascript/Typescript it can be done using the debounce npm package.

npm install debounce
import debounce from "debounce";

const INTERVAL = 500; 

const makeApiRequest = debounce (async () => { 
      await fetch("/some/url").then(r => r.json());

Slide Rendering

The problem is to render the slide with the same proportion in a given space (constraint width and height). In other words, the rendered Slide should look the same in any screen size or resolution.

My first attempt was to render the markdown as HTML and provide the font size and the padding dynamically based on the constraint width and height. It failed miserably :(

My Next attempt was to render the markdown as HTML to a standard size and scale it down to fit the constraint height and width. It worked perfectly!

Now the implementation renders the Slide to 1920 X 1080 size always and scales it down using the CSS transition property and the position CSS property is set as absolute to position the slide correctly.

In the codebase, It looks something like the below.

        top={-1 * 540 + slideSize.height / 2}
        left={-1 * (1920 / 2) + slideSize.width / 2}

The above two are a few of the interesting problems that I worked on. It's getting long, So I'll stop here.


  • Not Testing - I postponed writing tests so long, that the amount of code that needs to be written to test all the features increased a lot. I chose to focus on improving the app rather than the spend time on writing tests. The result is that I had to test manually every time to ensure the working of the app.

โœจ What's next?

  • Responsive UI for smaller device screens.
  • Upload custom image (Currently only external image links are supported).
  • Add custom font sizes and include more fonts.
  • Fork a published presentation.
  • Dark Mode
  • Export as pdf, .html, .pptx

Wrapping up

I had a lot of fun working on many interesting problems in this hackathon. If you want to know more about any feature, feel free to browse through the GitHub repository or make a comment in this blog post. If you like my project feel free to give it a star :)

Let's Connect

See y'all in my next blog post ๐Ÿ‘‹